1. He was _______________ for trying to take a knife onto the airplane. | | |
2. All the balloons at the party were actually _______________ of different colours. | | |
3. She went to the _______________ because she had an ear infection and they made her wait for two hours before she saw a doctor. | | |
4. It's always the girls who look really _______________ who are actually pretty wild. | | |
5. I think all these _______________ he talks about are just in his dreams. I haven't seen him having any luck in the nightclubs on the nights I went out with him. | | |
6. You think a hot girl like that is going to jump in bed with an idiot like you? _______________ buddy. It's just not going to happen. | | |
7. Even if you're _______________, make sure the guy uses a condom so you don't get an infection of some kind. | | |
8. I have some kind of weird _______________ on my hands so they're really itchy. | | |
9. I thought that it would be _______________ to pass a first year English course but it was really tough. | | |
10. He's a painter and he smokes a lot of dope because he says he does his best work when he's _______________. | | |